Quality Policy

Relevant interested parties and their expectations are the spindle upon which the endeavors of Alpha Bravo spins.
At the highest level our well-articulated resolve is to deliver outputs in Marine Services, Drilling Support, Technical Manpower Supply, Procurement and Engineering Services within the framework of a properly maintained ISO 9001:2015 to ensure customers’ satisfaction while meeting stated and implied requirements in a manner that supports continual improvement.

My persuasion is that this systematic control can only succeed through responsible and exemplary behavior that promotes the implementation of this policy and risk-based thinking. To this end, it will be ensured that processes remain in place, organizational knowledge is maintained through training and resources are provided to ensure that established objectives are achieved at all times.

HSE Policy

The protection of the environment, prevention of pollution and work related incident and ill-health is a permanent target for Alpha Bravo as it performs its business of Marine Services, Drilling Support, Technical Manpower Supply, Procurement and Engineering Services.
It shall be ensured that in decision making associated with HSE, workers and where applicable, their representatives are consulted as applicable while the HSEMS shall be continually improved in a manner that insists on compliance with relevant requirements (Legal, Regulatory, Statutory, Trade, Clients etc).

Besides organizational objectives, all functions and levels shall drive HSE performance with measurable Objectives/performance indicators and a structured HSE reward system will be maintained to promote good practices. Whereas appropriate working conditions, resources and training shall be provided at all times as applicable, everyone working for on-behalf of Alpha Bravo is enjoined to plan their jobs adequately and comply with all HSE procedure to minimize or eliminate risks in a hierarchical fashion.
My accountability for the overall outcome of the HSEMS remains permanent and I intreat the support of all our stakeholders.


Tonbara Okoria
